Amelia Briggs | Artist Statement
Amelia Briggs constructs colorful surfaces to take on puffy forms that reference the visuals of youth. Using a range of materials such as fiber, found fabric, faux fur, mirrors, rug hook, paint, and panel, each piece takes on an uncanny presence that recalls the hypothetical version of a forgotten childhood object.
Vague forms refuse to give away any specific origin, walking a line between familiar and alien. The simplified visual ques surrounding children serve as lessons leading to identity development and the idea of self. While each generation shares many of the same visuals from adolescence, what unique understanding do individuals bring to that history and nostalgia? Rather than spell out a specific narrative, Briggs reimagines a shared language – hopefully offering a springboard of recognition and possibility.
Other Selves is a developing series comprised of rectangular shaped works ranging in texture, color, and shape. Arranged in vertical groupings, each collective speaks to the traits and experiences that often "prop" up our identities and how we view the world around us.
Briggs grew up in the rural Midwest. She received her BFA from Herron School of Art and Design at Indiana University and her MFA from the University of Memphis. Recent and upcoming publications include New American Paintings, Foundwork, Nashville Scene, and Hyperallergic. She currently lives and works in Nashville, Tennessee.
Instagram @amelia.projects
Other Selves (flame, fuzz, match, bop)
Amelia Briggs, panel, faux fur, fiber, latex, fabric, 59” x 28” (installed), 2020