Womanhouse 2013, cotton, flour, 9" x 9" x 6" with 124" chain, 2013
Womanhouse 2012, steel, bread, 7½" x 4" x 4", 2012
Perilous Home, cast concrete, glass rod, fabricated copper and brass, 15½" x 10" x 7", 2012
These performed pieces explore relationships between women and the home. The home is a messy societal ball and chain, a burdensome reminder of domestic duties, a symbol of stability that isn't always so.
Womanhouse 2013, cotton, flour, 9" x 9" x 6" with 124" chain, 2013
Womanhouse 2012, steel, bread, 7½" x 4" x 4", 2012
Perilous Home, cast concrete, glass rod, fabricated copper and brass, 15½" x 10" x 7", 2012